Our daily lives have great importance to our creative practice. We create from collecting expieriences, living, walking, finding and breathing.
For some of us it's just what we know or as Thomas would say:
"I wake up, I eat breakfast, I walk outside and find something to paint." Some of us have creative and inspiring rituals like Julie: "Every morning I get up and spend 10 minutes a day to make a small piece of art. A routine a ritual. I see art as everyday life. It is always in flux, developing, progressing, moving forward. A process of time. Art is life."
As Joseph Beuys would say:
"Art alone makes life possible – this is how radically I should like to formulate it. I would say that without art man is inconceivable in physiological terms… I would say man does not consist only of chemical processes, but also of metaphysical occurrences. The provocateur of the chemical processes is located outside the world. Man is only truly alive when he realizes he is a creative, artistic being… Even the act of peeling a potato can be a work of art if it is a conscious act."
As a collective we were inspired by our fellow artist @megbuildsatinyhouse who is currently building a house for herself and making it into her practice.
We've been stuck at home for so long and our artworks have been stuck with us.
So they held up their leashes and looked up at us, with their most adorable eyes,
begging us to let them outside.
And we gave in...
All we know now is that,
Emily brought dead animals back to life,
Some of Julie's clay people exploded, whilst the others dissolved.
Thomas' paintings ran away with the stream of the river,
Never to be seen again.
Silvija's sculptures brushed the sky with their hair,
Ore's paintings hugged the tree, engulfed by the fresh air; they missed nature,
the freedom of it all.
Naomi's glitches were swinging right beside, making the sky blush a little.
Hal's alter ego lost its body and started crawling with just its grassy fingers all over the place.

It was nice to see them explore, sense and feel again.
It was nice to see them connect and talk again.
It was nice. "I think it's nice".


meet the artists
"Oh Mother"
video work from kieran welford
click to meet the collective